Hello there!
I am a designer, creator, and solver.
Located somewhere between pixel artist and particle physicist, I love crafting and sharing creative experiences. Often, these ideas manifest themselves in digital art and video games which tend towards the subtle, unspoken, and magical.
In addition to composing music and writing code, I enjoy teaching and learning. I am passionate about using education to foster curiosity, encourage exploration, and promote understanding. Guided by these passions, I like to learn new skills and explore new places.
And when I'm not doing any of that, I climb rocks. Mostly small ones.
Fancy a chat? Feel free to contact me at jontiburzi@gmail.com
My Principles
For me, being aware of my guiding principles helps me live more mindfully. I also think discussing principles is an insightful way to get to know someone! Here are mine; what are yours?

Time is Valuable
Spend your time such that you wish you had more.

Hidden Joy
There is beauty in the small,
and joy in the unexpected.

Explore the Unknown
Wander without fear of getting lost.

Strive for simplicity through organization, consideration, and reduction.

Savor the asymmetric balance and natural beauty of imperfection.

Be Purposeful
No one sees every detail,
but every detail is seen.

Be Appreciative
Appreciate when people do things for you, especially if you don't see it.

Self Development
Strive to be self-sufficient, but learn from those more experienced.

Learn from Failure
Failing to succeed does not mean failing to progress.

Dreams inspire actions that create new memories.

Optimistic Nihilism
We are free to create our own meaning in a brilliant but meaningless universe.

Enjoy the Present
The end may come before you are ready to get there.